Safety Benefits of Telemedicine & Internet Pharmacies for Patients

Safety Benefits of Telemedicine & Internet Pharmacies for Patients

The reach and scope of the internet has made more customers aware of the benefits of telemedicine, as more people are looking for convenient, affordable solutions for finding medical help online. There are still many who wonder if telemedicine is a safe route and the truth is, if done right, it’s safer than going to the local doctor or pharmacy in person. There are a number of important reasons for this which we shall discuss.


Among the most profound of the benefits of telemedicine for patients is access to healthcare. The move online has created a medical world in which, with a simple internet connection, many who previously could not access decent healthcare now can. This is an incredible step in the right direction of accessible healthcare worldwide. Many tragedies have taken place due to a lack of access to healthcare and medicine in many places around the world. Telemedicine is mitigating those tragedies more and more every day. 

Cost Reduction

Next to access, the other most defining benefit of telemedicine for patients is the reduction in healthcare costs to the individual. You are inevitably safer with an option you can both access quickly, and afford comfortably. Traditional healthcare is becoming increasingly more expensive. Being able to help patients remotely through virtual doctor visits and internet pharmacies helps cut down overhead costs significantly, making it more affordable for the patient, profitable for the practitioner, and safer for the insurance companies. That’s a tough benefit to beat.

Higher Levels Of Engagement

Woman shopping for prescriptions with online pharmacy on her phone in her kitchen Various studies have shown that patients using telemedicine-based treatment are far more involved, much more likely to return for a follow-up, more likely to engage in necessary routine check-ups, far more likely to seek medical advice and consultation for perceived or potential issues, and more likely to stay the course. What this essentially means is that many people are more likely to take better care of themselves and engage in treatment through telemedical methods than traditional healthcare delivery methods.
The average person is more likely to continue with a needed prescription if they can access it from their own home as opposed to going out. This is especially true for at-risk individuals with ongoing health issues. There is no risk of exposure for those at risk if they consult with their doctor online and order their prescriptions through a trusted internet pharmacy. This is but one of the reasons telemedicine can be safer than conventional healthcare.

Admissions Reduction recently published a comprehensive study that shows patients involved in telemedical treatment experience a notable reduction in hospital admissions. There was an even bigger decrease in re-admissions, and a substantial decrease in the number of days patients spent in hospital. This shows the benefits of telemedicine for patients in a number of ways. Patients are in hospital less and for shorter periods, making it more affordable for them. Hospitals are less prone to becoming overcrowded and can conserve capacity for severe cases that require face-to-face attention, patients spend less time making trips to their doctor or hospitals too.

It Helps Practitioners Too

Doctors and pharmacists are finding it much easier to manage their workload and provide quality care to patients when engaging in telemedical practices. It not only creates convenience and comfort for the patient but for the practitioner too. Many engaged practitioners are boasting of the increase in the amount of patients they can see, the ease of following up on recent patients, the increase in engagement from their patients, and the ability to better balance their lives in a less exhausting way. A happy, well-rested, and engaged practitioner is always a safer and more pleasant option for any patient. 

Are Internet Pharmacies Safe?

When determining the legitimacy and trustworthiness of any online pharmaceutical business, it’s crucial to know if they have qualified and registered pharmacists on staff, in addition to ensuring they follow guidelines set by the World Health Organization.

At Inhouse Pharmacy, we provide a safe, virtual way for our customers to find what they need at prices that align with their budgets. Our dedicated team supports customers five days a week to answer any questions about prescription refills and how best to shop for medicine online. We treat every client with care and respect to their individual needs. With us, it’s easy to see the benefits of telemedicine for patients through everything we do. Inhouse Pharmacy is 100% scam-free and can be verified as safe through reviews on our site, as well as multiple others like Reddit.

Whether you need advice, a consultation, have a health related question, or have a prescription requirement, it’s worth considering the telemedicine and internet pharmacy route. It may save you time, money, headaches, and inconvenience.